Introduction to the Unix shell


What’s a shell?

A shell is a way to interact with your operating system via a text based system. This allows you to do useful things like fast searches and scripting. Since it is a minimal interface, it makes it great to use across network connections.

There are many types of shells including bash, csh, tcsh, and zsh.

Shell vs. Terminal

People often ask what the difference between a shell and a terminal is. A shell is the actual interface between you and your OS, the terminal is the (GUI) application that surrounds it.

Generally you can use either interchangably and people will know what you are talking about.

Common Terminals:

What if I am using Windows?

If you are using Windows, I would recommend using a VM or creating an iLab account. While Windows does have cmd and PowerShell, Windows is a very different operating system with very different utilities. We will be focusing on commands found commonly on Unix systems.

How do I create an iLab account

Problems? Email

How do I access iLab machines remotely via Windows or a Chromebook?

I recommend connecting with an SSH application such as SecureShell (Google Chrome plugin) or Putty.

What’s the difference between a command and a program?

You will probably see me using these terms interchangably. The explicit difference is that you enter a command in the shell that tells your OS what program to run and how to run it.

Running commands

Simply open up a shell, type a command, and hit enter. It is that simple. For example: echo "Hello World!".

If you get an error saying something along the lines of “command not found”, then this usually means:

  1. The command is not installed on the machine you are using
  2. Your environment is misconfigured. (more on this later)


Also called options, are ways of modifying the behavior of commands. They usually are after the program name, starting with - or --. You can mix and match flags to get the behavior that you want. What each flag does is completely dependent on the command.

Flags starting with - can usually be combined into a single - flag. For example: ls -R -a -l = ls -Ral. This is NOT true for -- flags.


Arguments are user defined information that is passed to commands an flags. They immediately follow the command/flag. For example, in ls /usr/local, /usr/local is the argument. Depending on the command, you can give 0 to many arguments.

Getting help

Memorizing all of this flags and how to use each command will come in time. You will not know them all.

For most commands, there is usually a man (manual) page associated with it. To read the man page of a command, simply use man command. This will give you more information on how to run a program.


Paths are the “addresses” of files and folders. There are 2 types of paths: absolute and relative. Both can be used in conjunction with any command that takes in a file or folder as an argument.

###Absolute Paths Absolute paths are paths that start from /, the root folder. For example:

Relative Paths

Relative paths are paths that start relative to your current position. For example:

Basic Navigation

Reading files

Editing files

I am particular to vim, so we will briefly go over the basics.

Vim (Vi IMproved) Basics


To view permissions of a file or directory, use ls -l. You should see something like:

total 5972
drwxr-xr-x  2 wlynch92 allusers   4096 Nov 15 14:22 bin
drwxr-xr-x  3 wlynch92 allusers   4096 Sep  4 14:30 build
drwx------ 17 wlynch92 allusers   4096 Feb 16  2013 class
drwxr-xr-x  6 wlynch92 allusers   4096 Dec 11 12:35 Desktop
drwxr-xr-x  2 wlynch92 allusers   4096 Nov 13  2012 Documents
drwxr-xr-x  2 wlynch92 allusers   4096 Dec 12 11:03 Downloads
drwxr-x--- 12 wlynch92 studsys    4096 Jan  8 15:44 lcsr
drwxr-xr-x  2 wlynch92 allusers   4096 Apr 13  2012 lib
drwxr-xr-x  8 wlynch92 allusers   4096 Oct 25 15:33 minecraft
-rwxr-xr-x  1 wlynch92 allusers 280212 Oct 25 15:33 Minecraft.jar
-rw-------  1 wlynch92 allusers    141 Sep 26 20:28 payroll.yaml
drwxr-xr-x  3 wlynch92 allusers   4096 Nov 27 15:44 public_html
-rw-r--r--  1 wlynch92 allusers  30141 Sep 28  2012 resume.pdf
drwxr-xr-x  3 wlynch92 allusers   4096 Feb  3  2012 share
drwxr-xr-x 10 wlynch92 allusers   4096 Oct  2 10:36 src
drwxr-xr-x  2 wlynch92 allusers   4096 Feb 11 10:07 tmp
drwxr-xr-x  2 wlynch92 allusers   4096 Jun  8  2012 Videos

Each column has a particular meaning:

  1. Permissions
  2. # of hard links
  3. Owning User
  4. Owning Group
  5. Size
  6. Last Modified Date
  7. Name

Permissions are broken up into 9 fields.

The first character represents the file type. This can be: - - : File - d : Directory - l : symlink - Other file types that we will note worry about for now.

The next 9 characters should be viewed as 3 different sets of rwx. The first set represents the permissions of the owning user. The second set represents the permissions of the owning group. The third set represents the permissions of anyone else.

r, w, and x take on different meanings depending on the type of file. For files: - r : The user can read the file. - w : The user can write to or remove the file. - x : The user can execute the file as a program.

For directories: - r : The user can see what is inside the directory. - w : The user can add/remove files to the directory. - x : The user can cd into the directory.

A - means that the corresponding group does not have that permission.

There are additional permissions that you can set for finer control, but we will not be covering those here. Check out the man page for more details!

Setting permissions

You can set permissions of a file via the chmod command. There are 2 modes of chmod: absolute or symbolic.

Absolute permissions

Absolute permissions are represented by 3 digit octal numbers representing each of the 3 groups of permissions. Imagine that you represent each permission as a binary number where r = 4, w = 2, and x = 1. You can represent each group as the sum of these numbers. For example:

You can then combine this for all 3 groups to form an absolute permission: chmod 755 example.txt

Relative permissions

Relative permissions change permissions relative to it’s current state. This is useful to ensure that multiple files have a certain permission property regardless of their original state. This is done by using:

For example: chmod ug+r example.txt will add the read permission for the user and group (if it didn’t already exist).

File/directory manipulation

Other useful commands

Disk usage

User info



File compression

String manipulation



You can manipulate stdin (input) as well as stdout and stderr (output) to your commands via stream redirection. You can do this by appending these to the end of your command:

Command substitution

You can nest commands within each other by nesting them within ``. For example: ifconfig >hostname.txt

Chaining commands

&& and || can be used to chain commands together depending on the result of the previous command. && means to only run the next command if the previous command succeeds. || means to only run the next command if the previous command failed. For example: - javac && java HelloWorld - w | grep \whoami` || echo “User not found”`

Environment variables

Something I hear a lot is “How does the shell know what to run?” The answer to this question is environment variables.

Environment variables are settings that your shell configures when you log in. You can view all of these variables with the env command. The PATH variable tells your shell in what folders it should look for programs when you enter a command (and in what order it should look at them). You can view your path by running echo $PATH ($ signifies a shell variable).

You can modify your path by running export PATH=$PATH:new_directory. This make it very easy to add other directories where you can put your own code or add programs that were installed in non-standard paths. I recommend you add ~/bin to your path so that you can start adding your own programs to your path.

WARNING: Only add trusted folders to your path. Otherwise someone could make a bad program with a common name that you could accidentally run without even knowing!

Shell configuration

While you can change the path, these changes won’t persist after you close your shell. What you need to do is create a configuration file that tells your shell what to do when it starts up. This configuration file varies for each shell. For now, let’s focus on bash.

Bash uses 2 main files to set up your environment. In this process, it looks for user defined settings in ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile.

These files are shell scripts. They automatically run each line as if you typed them out yourself. This makes them idea to configure your enviroment variables and add


bashrc is the file that bash references for interactive, non-login shells. This includes all bash shells that are started up when you are already logged in. An example of this type of shell is when you start a terminal when you are logged in graphically.


bash_profile is ran for login shells. When you connect remotely to a machine with SSH (or an SSH application), the original shell you open is a login shell.

It is common to source ~/.bashrc from ~/.bash_profile. source tells your shell to treat the contents of the argument as if it were part of the current file.